Indian ESG Disclosures in XBRL

Indian ESG Disclosures in XBRL

By Ez-XBRL Team 21 November, 2022

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch addressed XBRL Asia Round Table in Mumbai, describing the Indian securities regulator’s approach to transparency as disclosure driven, but with the needs of users firmly in mind. She said “When disclosure is designed to be easy to transmit, but not easy to receive, then there is a problem. They want to change the lexicon itself in SEBI, to say that it is not just about disclosure, it is about ease of receiving, and of analysing.”

The Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting rules coming into force in India next year require all Indian public companies to provide a comprehensive set of sustainability metrics. All these reports must be provided in XBRL.

There are now some 180 companies that have made their XBRL-based disclosures on a voluntary basis.

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