The EBA Publishes its Plan for the Implementation of the Data Point Model 2.0

June 5, 2024 The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its plan for the implementation of the data point model (DPM) 2.0 related to its reporting release 4.0 framework, with the objective of moving towards a more integrated regulatory reporting. Following the publication of the new DPM data dictionary format in 2023, the EBA plans to implement the DPM 2.0 new model in 2024. The DPM 2.0 will bring several benefits: enhanced integration with more granular reporting, improved versioning of data definitions, and better definition of data relationships. To facilitate the transition from DPM 1.0, the EBA envisages a transitional period for DPM 2.0 until December 2025. In addition, the DPM 2.0 sample database and related technical documentation were made available already in 2023. The framework release 4.0 technical package will be published in December 2024 and a preliminary release will be available in October anticipating a very close to final version to all reporting institutions. Additionally, a new semantic glossary will be introduced with the release 4.0 when all the existing frameworks will be redefined to align with this new glossary. The reporting will change gradually in subsequent releases and the old DPM semantic data dictionary (old glossary included) will be discontinued from December 2025. The XBRL new taxonomy architecture 2.0 will be incorporated for reporting from release 4.0, with a preliminary taxonomy version (not for use) available already in release 3.5. By reference date 31 December 2025, only xBRL-CSV reporting format will be allowed to be received by the EBA. The EBA continues to offer in each new release the technical packages with the standard specifications, including validation rules, the Data Point Model (DPM), and exchange taxonomies to support amendments to EBA reporting and disclosure requirements.
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